• Travel

    The Notes of Edinburgh

    “Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charm to sadness, and life to everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is good, just and beautiful, of which it is the invisible, but nevertheless dazzling, passionate, and eternal form.” -Plato

  • Travel

    My Bad.

    So…it’s been a hot minute. That’s my bad. In the immortal words of the glorious man, Jeff Goldblum, life, uh, finds a way…of getting in the way. So here is my recap that I’m sure is missing the finer details. It’s a dump of the remainder of my time in Edinburgh, the roller coaster that was trying to get in (and out) of France. The remaining tales of me falling in love with a new city, having the worst (but thankfully the only) night of the entire trip, and my final days in England will follow. I promise.

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    Edinburgh: National Galleries

    Next on my list of things you can’t miss in Edinburgh is the National Galleries. Entrance is free to the general exhibits, however while I was here I got the chance to experience the Rembrandt exhibit. Right on the busy Princes Street, the National Galleries is a must.

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    Edinburgh: St. Giles’ Cathedral

    The first on my list of things to see in Edinburgh is St. Giles’ Cathedral. It’s free to visit the 12th century church, and even if you have no religious inclinations it’s definitely worth seeing, purely for its rich history.

  • Travel

    Edinburgh: Week 1

    Apologies for the radio silence. Trust me, when you lose your passport and both credit cards, you tend to space on some things. I’ve been trying to not let that stop me from enjoying my first week in Edinburgh.

  • Travel

    Edinburgh: Days 1 & 2

    I finally made it to Edinburgh! I was promptly greeted with a head cold, but I’m trying to not let that stop me from enjoying my time in one of my favorite places in the world.

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    Sabbatical Planning – Part 2

    Everything is booked and ready and I’m now 10 days out from my European vacation. I thought I’d share my budget, how I planned on what I was going to do, and everything in between.

  • Travel

    Sabbatical Planning – Part 1

    I’m working hard to make sure I’m not letting my sabbatical go to waste. I’m crossing some things off my bucket list, I’m seeing new sights, and I’m planning on doing nothing some days. I worked hard to earn these six weeks off, and I wanted to make sure that I’m getting everything I can out of this. It’s a struggle when you want to travel all around the world, but you’re tied to a Monday through Friday job. I’ve finally got my shot, and I’m going to make the most out of it.

  • Travel

    Scotland 2016

    Some say our destiny is tied to the land, as much a part of us as we are of it. Others say fate is woven together like a cloth, so that one’s destiny intertwines with many others. It’s the one thing we search for, or fight to change. Some never find it. But there are some who are led. -Merida, Brave (2012) I had a revelation, and it took me almost two years to get to it. When it comes to things like destiny, fate, and perhaps even otherworldly interventions, I’m a bit more receptive to it happening to others than to me. One trip across the pond changed that.

  • Travel

    Glen Coe

    Glen Coe: The gateway to the Highlands…and all the opportunities. Guys. Scotland is stupid photogenic. It’s also this crazy magical place where a unicorn is the official national animal, giants roam the hills and mountains, fairies wade in the icy streams and rivers, and of course the ever-elusive Nessie. But it’s also this crazy magical place where the people are so warm and welcoming, the stillness of the Highlands will reverberate through your body, the echoes of the bagpipe can sound mournful and joyous all at once, and something just reaches out, steals a piece of your heart, and never lets go. I’ll be posting recaps of my time in…