
Edinburgh: National Galleries

Next on my list of things you can’t miss in Edinburgh is the National Galleries. Entrance is free to the general exhibits, however while I was here I got the chance to experience the Rembrandt exhibit. Right on the busy Princes Street, the National Galleries is a must.

I actually attended the Rembrandt exhibit and went through the rest of the National Galleries on two separate days. I didn’t realize at the time that there’s several buildings that are all considered a part of the National Galleries, so when I went through the Rembrandt exhibit I thought I was done. I had no idea how much art awaited!

Unfortunately, photography was not allowed inside the Rembrandt exhibit. The focus was on Rembrandt’s impact in the UK, so there was a lot of his work as well as other artists who were influenced by him after the fact. The exhibit had some of his famous works, such as Belshazzar’s Feast and Girl at a Window (one of my favorites of his). While I’m not traditionally a fan of Rembrandt, seeing it in person is truly an amazing experience. The way in which he utilized light and dark really drew me in to each one of his works.

Later, I went to the rest of the general exhibits in the National Gallery. They had such a great mix of art and sculptures (the marble statues are probably my favorite), and it was really, really enjoyable. I love art and art history, so it’s truly one of my favorite things to do when visiting somewhere new. I think the Rococo style of art is my favorite; I’m a sucker for lavish and frilly, I have to admit. They had works from Di Vinci, Raphael, Titian, Anthony Van Dyke, Sir Henry Raeburn, among others.

It was a great experience, and in all I think I spent about 4 hours between the two exhibits. I tend to take my time, so it doesn’t necessarily take that long. That’s the beauty about traveling solo—you can take as little or as long as you want!

Just like St. Giles’, the National Galleries are free. I did pay for entrancek to the Rembrandt exhibit, but for all other galleries they only ask for a donation.